The Only Painless Laser Lifting

    “ONDA” Lifting is
    coming to Woori Plastic Surgery!


    The patented handpiece penetrates deep into the epidermis and dermis for tightening and contouring, and even breaks down fat cells, making it effective for fatty skin
    Using microwave technology to deliver energy precisely where it's needed, so there's less risk of skin damage

    4th Generation Painless Microwave Lifting

    Patented Special Handpiece

    WIth 2 types of handpiece
    WOORI BEAUTY CLINIC customized treatment

    • 7mm Deep Handpiece
      • Breaks down fat cells by inducing heating
      • Stimulates fibroblasts by dissolving deep collagen fibers
      • Creates new, elastic, younger collagen cells
    • 3mm Shallow Handpiece
      • Induce contraction of some surface collagen fibers by generating heat in fibrous collagen
      • Perform more focused and superficial heating with controlled energy generation

    Protect the skin's surface and transfer heat only where it's needed!

    • Previous treatments deliver the most energy to the skin's surface, and the amount of energy delivered decreases as it moves downward.

    • ONDA keeps the skin's surface cool in blue, and delivers over 80% of its energy only to the dermis and fat.

    Energy delivered to the dermis regenerates collagen, and energy delivered to fat destroys fat cells.

    Lifting, tightening, and fat cell destruction all at once!

    More effective body lifting, ONDA

    • Accessory breast
    • Arms
    • Abdomen
    • Thighs
    • Calves